Oh my God! I almost forgot I was doing these reviews. It's been almost a year now. Boy does life fly by when you aren't watching. Did you guys miss me? did you even notice I was gone? Hello, is this thing on? Okay, so where did we leave off.
Oh shit. . . right in the middle of one of the best two-parters in Television history. The episode where we learn all about the second slayer and how this came to be. Beautifully written by the one and only Marti Noxon, and directed by David Semel, this episode changes everything in the world of our beloved slayer and the Scooby gang. If you haven't already seen it here is a link to watch it and it's also on Netflix for the next few days. SMH, boo Netflix, bad call! So enough chit chat, let's get to the review. If you recall last time, we left off with the two slayers in a stand off in Angel's apartment as we learn that this new girl, Kendra was also a vampire slayer. Say what! And that is right where we pick up. The two slayers facing each other arguing over who is the real slayer. After a tense few moments where Kendra tells Buffy information she already knows, such as when the slayer dies anther will be called, the two agree to call a truce and go and talk to Buffy's Watcher, who we all know to be the one and only Giles. On a side note, outside of this review, the Buffy fan pages on Facebook are insane. And I mean insane, someone admitted to not liking Joyce and it's like okay, I'm right there with you and people went crazy. Not only defending what might be the worst mother in the history of the world but also bashing Giles and Oz. Uh what? Who doesn't love Giles and Oz? What happened in your childhood that makes you hate either one of them? There is just no pleasing some people I swear! Anyways, back to the episode at hand. The vamp with the soul, Mr. Angel himself, is still locked up in the cage at Willies. The sun is moving towards him at an alarming rate. The credits save him, for now! Back at the library Giles tries to make sense of how Kendra could also be a slayer. Once Willow shows up Kendra starts calling everything into question. A slayer should work alone, and yet Buffy has friends. While explaining it to Willow Giles figures out that Buffy drowning is what caused Kendra to be summoned. Kendra calls Angel Angelus, something that just fills me with joy. It's around this time that the gang learn what Kendra did to Angel. Buffy is beyond pissed and can you blame her? This girl just comes in, steals her destiny and tries to kill her boyfriend. That's a no no. Lucky for Angel Willie drags him out of the cage and drops him in the sewer before the sun can get him. Well maybe not to lucky. He sold him to Spike. Could this be the end of the ensouled vampire? Back at the Buffy house Cordy is trying to buy makeup from a weird guy who turns out to be out of bugs. Xander comes in and tries to remove him from the house before getting wise and running. The two of them dart into the basement as the bug man tries to come into the room from beneath the door. Kendra and Buffy question Willie but he lies through his teeth. We start to see just how different these two slayers are. Spike brings Angel to Dru and tells her that one the ritual is completed she will be back to normal. Dru smiles and asks if she can play. Now if you know the back story between these two you know that nothing good can come from this. From everything we know so far it would seem that the ritual could be deadly for Angel. The watchers agree that Kendra should stay and help out Buffy till everything is taken care of, something that doesn't sit well with Buffy. Part of her feels like she isn't good enough, or at least that she doesn't want this life. She toys with the idea of giving the slayer gig over to Kendra while she tries to live a normal life. It's a nice dream that you have to imagine that she thinks about a lot. Could you blame her? Now here comes one of my favorite moments of the Buffyverse, the start of Xander and Cordy. I love these two together. I mean I understand why they didn't work out but they were still great for each other and you can't help but feel like they truly care for one another. It also always makes me laugh how their relationship, at least in the start was always sprung on by hate. The two share their first kiss and get freaked out and dart out of there as fast as they could. The bug man drops down on Cordy and Xander has to hose her off before they take off in her car. Now I'm not big on bugs but bugs that are also a demon, that would just be scary. And while we are on couples that you can't help but love, Willow and Oz have a great little moment where we start to see how much they fit together. They are both just the right kind of odd. To bad their moment is broken up by a cop trying to kill Buffy and shooting Oz in the arm. The cop takes Jonathan, you know the co-creator of Empire, hostage and Kendra has to save the day. Xander meets Kendra and tries to hit on her. She gets so flustered, it's cute. Giles figures out that the ritual requires that Angel's life be given in order to save Dru. Kendra doesn't like the idea of trying to save Angel but she agrees to help. Buffy is in full on slayer mode now that she knows Angel is danger. A woman in love is nothing to mess with. Can we all take a moment to just be in awe of how amazing it is every time Dru talks? The things she says and the way she says it is just the greatest writing that has ever been put to page. I always love to hear how different the two slayers are. Kendra's parents gave her up to be trained and Kendra believes that Buffy is weak because of her emotions, but Buffy out smarts her and shows her that not only is she not as in control as she thinks but that anger gives her strength. The slayers make Willie talk and tell them where Angel is as Angel tries to get Spike to kill him. It almost works but Dru stops him. Kendra believes that Angel should die and that Buffy is a fool for trying to save him. She is far too by the book. Well maybe Kendra has a point. No sooner does Willie get Buffy alone, than he delivers her to vampires to keep her busy. Meanwhile Spike starts the ritual. Draining Angel's life and giving it to Dru. It takes a while to complete. Willie brings Buffy into the church and Spike is pissed but he can't help but be cocky. All hope seems lost until Kendra breaks in and turns the tide against Spike. Giles and the rest of the Scooby's are right behind her. Cordy and Xander trap the bug man in pant and kill him. Aw you have to love sweet revenge. Buffy stops the ritual which is the only thing that distracts Spike long enough to allow Willie the chance to escape. Which is good because I've always liked him. A fire breaks out at the church and Spike cuts Dru down and tries to run but Buffy stops, knocking him into the wall. It caves in on him as Buffy turns her attention to Angel and Kendra rushes over to help them all escape. It would seem that the slayers work well together. The Scoobies leave Spike and Dru to the fire as they pile out. Willow checks in on Oz and he teachers her about the monkey and his pants. He uses this moment to slip in a complement. They are far too cute together. Xander forces Cordy to talk to him about what happened. At first she doesn't want to but she agrees. They try to figure out what it all means, the conversation doesn't last long before they are once more locking lips. As Buffy says goodbye to Kendra, Kendra drops some knowledge on her. Being the slayer isn't a job, it's who she is. She should embrace it and not fight against it. A lesson that Buffy needed to hear. Now on to the end. Dru is back to full strength and carries an injured Spike out of the ruins. Now from what I have heard, Spike was supposed to die right then and there. But the fans liked him so much Joss decided to keep him around. The best call he ever made if you ask me. After all, who doesn't love Spike? I know I do.
Welcome to another episode of the one and only Slider, written by the creator himself Tracy Torme. The show opens as the Sliders land on a new world that looks normal but seems very empty. It seems no one is there. Remy brags that his knee pads have made Sliding painless but the others don't seem to care, or even want to try it.
As the sliders walk around we, not the sliders, see a sign that says Kromaggs rule. Welcome to sliders 2.0, we now have bad guys. Wade asks what Kromaggs are but none of the others have any idea. All Quinn knows is that something is messing with the timer. They start to follow the signal towards the disruption so they can fix whatever is wrong with the timer. Wade and Remy want to leave, run the other way and get far far away from the weird sound but Quinn points out that if they don't figure it out they will never know when to slide. It doesn't matter much because our heroes spot what looks to be a spaceship and before they can run it spots them. Quinn fires off the timer and it makes the ship crash. It was working on the same frequency as the timer and allowed him to sort out their circuits. The sliders go and investigate the fallen spaceship because lets be honest, wouldn't we all? It's a fallen ship from what looks to be outer space. That is beyond cool. Wade and Remy want to run but Arturo and Quinn have already started to investigate. A weird man shows up and tells them that the Kromaggs aren't from outer space and they don't eat eyes. He tells them that they came to this Earth to take over and kill everyone but they are from right here. Could it be another dimension? That would be a fun twist would it not? Quinn and Arturo head inside the ship, leaving Wade and Remy outside to keep watch. We learn that the ship is more or less alive itself. It grows it's own air, the same air they breath. Quinn still thinks they are aliens. Remy and Wade walk around the theme park, not really keeping look out is it? Remy starts bitching to Wade about how he shouldn't be here, he should still be back on Earth Prime. Wade says that there is no point in crying about, even if he is the crying man. But what she wants to know is why she can't go inside the ship with Quinn and Arturo. That's what she is mad about. Inside the ship Quinn and Arturo find a dead Kromagg and set off an alarm by mistake. They run off, find the others and all four take off as more Kromaggs show up. The chase is on! They have 23 seconds till the slide and manage to lose the Kromaggs chasing after them. Before they can open the vortex the Kromaggs turn on the lights to make it easier to find them. Arturo says that the Kromaggs look humanish. He is more right than he knows. Arturo and Remy jump into the vortex when Wade and Quinn spot another vortex open up and a ship fly out of it. They now know that the Kromaggs are sliders like them. They jump throw the vortex and escape into the new world where Arturo knocks out a man holding bread. It seems they are on a world owned by the French. Arturo tells the others that the Kromaggs could be a different version of intelligent life on their Earth. Wade wants to warn every Earth about the Kromaggs and Arturo agrees but doesn't know how they should go about it. No one will believe them. The Kromaggs watch footage of Quinn and Arturo walking through the ship. They now know what the Sliders look like. At the restaurant the Sliders didn't have any money and Arturo had to give them his watch. Arturo took something from the ship to use as proof that the Kromaggs were real. It starts blinking and a vortex opens as a ship comes out. It knocks out the sliders as Quinn tries to use the timer on them. They take the device Arturo stole and timer from our heroes before locking them up. The Sliders wake up stuck to a wall. They are prisoners of the Kromaggs who are using some woman to talk to them. The Kromaggs are psychic. Remy tries to talk them into letting them leave but it is of no use. We learn that the Kromaggs have mastered sliding. They can control it at will. They came for the Sliders since they murdered one of them. The sliders tell them they were defending themselves but the Kromaggs call them liars. The girl tells them that the Kromaggs are mankind's savors not their enemies. The sliders lose track of time as they are questioned one by one. They keep them apart and mess with their sleep so that they can't focus. It is Remy's turn for questioning, leaving Quinn alone. Arturo and Wade never came back. Could they be hurt? Could they be dead? What does it all mean? Remy walks down the hall like the voices told him to and ends up in a room with his father. He tells Remy that Earth Prime is owned by the Kromaggs and that is better now. They made everything good, everything better. Remy doesn't seem to trust him. He tells Remy that he is heading back to the Kromaggs home world. That makes them lucky. He tells Remy that they need to work with the Kromaggs. Let them cross check Earth Prime with their records to make sure that it isn't a threat. They don't believe that Quinn invented the timer but Remy tells him it is true. Remy figures out it is all a trap when his father talks about a sister that Remy never had. Arturo comes back to the cell where Remy is. A mystery man tells them that there are thousands of human prisoners. Some as slaves and some as food. After all Kromaggs eat human eyes. Arturo tells Remy that no matter what happens they keep their secrets to themselves. Just then Remy walks into the room. Arturo was talking to a mental image of Remy that they put into his head. The Kromaggs offer Wade a chance to go home, they just need to know where their Earth is. Wade tells them that they are lost. That is more information than she should have told them. The Kromaggs ask if she is the first wave of an army and she tells them that her home world knows nothing about the Kromaggs, they don't believe her and she tells them that she doesn't trust them. They tell her that unless she tells them what they want to know they will kill Quinn so she just talks and tells them about different worlds they have been through. Wade ends up back with Arturo and Remy. Quinn is not there. Arturo tells them that they have to keep their secrets even if it means death. He also says that Quinn is most likely already dead. The girl who speaks for the Kromaggs has taken Quinn to what she says is a sanctuary. She tells them that the Kromaggs are after all the other Earths because they are all run by humans and they can't have that. They want to be the dominate species. She tells Quinn that he is to die but she likes him, she likes the way he stood up to the Kromaggs. She wants him to live. He asks her to bring the timer and his friends but she tells him that his friends are to die the next day and he will be taken to the home world and questioned until he tells them everything. She tells him that she is powerless but he keeps trying to talk her into helping. She tells him she can't and runs off, but not before handing him something. Back in the cell the others are waiting as Quinn walks in. They are all back together. The object she gave Quinn is a key. He uses it to get them out of the cell. Arturo is scared it is a trap but Quinn says that it is the only option they have. Wade offers to help the mystery man in the next cell but the Kromaggs already ate his eyes and he doesn't want to leave. The bitter man calls for the guards, figuring if he can't leave than they can't either. The Sliders run as the Kromaggs give chase. Quinn messes up their sliding equipment to try and slow them down. Giving them a head start if they can just find the timer. The girl gives them back their timer and opens a portal to take them back to the world where they were kidnapped. She is shot and dying so the Sliders leave her there and go back to French world. She gave her life saving the sliders. Now that is a hero! Quinn stays with her till her last breath than jumps through the vortex. The girl is still alive, it turns out that they put a tracking device in one of the sliders. She sold them out. She is not a good person, not a hero! She fooled us all! The Kromaggs are here to stay and humans are helping them! Welcome to one of the most important episodes of the Buffy mythos. Written by Joss Whedon, Marti Noxon and Howard Gordon. Why is important? Oh we will get to that! Believe you me. Or you can watch it yourself!
The episode starts off with the gang doing placement tests to see what kind of jobs they will be best suited for out in the real world. Buffy thinks it is all pointless because all she will ever be is the slayer. She can't have a future, it's a sad moment for fans of the slayer. Cordy on the other hand is loving the test, loving all the different futures that a rich pretty girl like her could have. Xander and her trade insults, once more showing just how much they hate each other. And I've always said, there is a thin thin line between love and hate. Spike's help can't translate the book they stole from Giles. Dru tries to cheer Spike up but he can't get the slayer out of his head. We can already see the start of his obsession over her. Dru tells them that they need to find a key in order to translate the book, thus sending them on their mission for the episode. While out patrolling Buffy comes across Spike's men looking for the key. She kills one vamp without a problem but the one looking for the key escaped. Good thing to because he has always made me laugh. His name is Dalton. Buffy makes it home to see Angel playing with her stuffed animals. It's kind of cute, in a stalker boyfriend way which isn't that cute but still it's ok because they love each other. Buffy and Angel start talking about how she has no future and Angel is hurt by it all. He feels like he is part of the reason that she can't have a normal life. She tells him that he is the one part of her life that she is sure about. One part of her life that she loves. Angel tells Buffy that he wants to take her to a closed off ice skating rink, as a way to help her feel more normal. It is very romantic. Cordy gets motivational speaker as a career, would anyone go to Cordy for advice? Maybe later years Cordy but not this Cordy. Xander gets crossing guard and Buffy gets law enforcement, kind of makes sense seeing as she is the slayer and that is more or less protecting people. Way more so than the police. For some reason Willow didn't even make the list. Buffy reports to Giles that one of the vampires got away and he seems more worried than normal about it. Buffy points out that she is the only slayer and if he wants someone better for the job than she could just die. This my friends is called foreshadowing and is done oh so well! Dalton starts to translate the book that Spike can use to figure out a cure for Dru. The whole reason they have come to Sunnydale to begin with. Willow and Xander try to cover with Snyder about where Buffy is while she is out with Giles trying to figure out what the vampires stole. Snyder puts both students in their place before storming off. Some mystery man tells Willow to follow them and leads her to a private room where they tell her that she and one other student are to meet with the head of some software company. That other student is none other than. . . Oz!!!!!!!! They meet at last! Buffy and Giles are fighting while walking around the cemetery about how the slayer life is too much for her. She wants a real life and he suggests a career in law enforcement. Wrong thing to say at that moment. She really did not want to hear that! She shows Giles where the Dalton was looking. It turns out that the book that was stolen was written by the same man who grave was robbed. It could only mean that Spike and co found something to translate the book. Ding Ding Ding!!! Giles got it right in one! One by one the assassins Spike ordered show up. Till we arrive on a plane and some girl beats the living daylights out of a guy cleaning the plan. She gets off the plane. Who is this girl? Why is she important? Oh she changes everything about well everything. The scoobies get together as Giles informs them of what was stolen. Buffy skips out on the research so that she can go and make her date with Angel. She a pretty good skater, much better than me. Whenever I get on ice I spend the first 10 minutes or so falling on my ass. One of the assassins attacks Buffy and starts to choke her but Angel comes just in time to save her. Dru sense that one of their assassins were killed. Spike isn't worried, they only need a little time to translate everything. Angel sees the ring on the assassin and freaks out. He orders Buffy home and tells her that he doesn't want her to see him while he is in vamp face. She kisses him and tells him that she didn't even notice. Just than the mystery girl who is important shows up to watch. Kind of creepy right? Buffy shows Giles the ring and he starts to give her the low down on the Order of Taraka, the assassins that are after her. Giles is even more freaked out than Angel. Even snaps at Xander when he tries to joke. He orders Buffy to go and hide till this is over. It gets under her skin. He tells her that they will just keep coming until the job is done. They each work alone. We see the sellsman from earlier who killed that lady across the street from Buffy's house. Turns out he is made of worms. How is that for gross? At school Buffy is on high alert, freaked out by everyone and everything. Even throws Oz against the wall and demands that he tries it. He is confused but just shakes it off and goes about his way. Nothing gets under Oz's skin because he is well Oz. That night Buffy makes it home but doesn't go inside. She feels down and out and can't handle it. Joyce is out of town and no one is answering. Telling Xander and the others that she isn't home. They start to freak out trying to figure out where she could be. Why not just think for a second on where a 16 year old girl would go when she is scared. Her boyfriends house. She gets there and lets herself in but Angel isn't home. She decides to take a nap. Where is Angel? He is over at Willy's bar asking him for information. I love this character. He is so funny and such a weasel. With a name like Willy it just fits. Angel starts beating him for information and demands to know if Spike ordered the hit. This is a nice little taste of what the show Angel will be. The mystery girl saves Willy and starts kicking Angel's ass, locking him in the back room, with a nice window view of the sun, only hours away. The mystery girl tells Angel she is going after Buffy. Giles sends Xander back to Buffy's house, telling him to ask Cordy for a ride. He is worried for Buffy. Meanwhile Willow is asleep in the library dreaming of tadpoles. What a weird weird girl. Don't we all just love her? Giles figures out what Spike is after, just as Dalton gives Spike the cure. Things are going to hell for our gang. Now this part I have issue with. Xander and Cordy are breaking into Buffy's house in the daylight as Angel is locked in a room with the sun about to come up. How does that work? It isn't even early morning, it is clearly day. Cordy tells Xander he is lame and Buffy is the superhero and he points out at least he cares which is more than Cordy could say. He heads up stairs to look for clues while Cordy let's the worm demon inside because he offers her make up supplies. Stupid Cordy. The sun starts to come up as Angel is still locked in the cage and the mystery girl wakes Buffy up as she almost kills her. The two girls fight each other almost to a stand off, bringing the episode to an end as we learn who the mystery girl is. Kendra the Vampire Slayer!!! Told you everything changes in this episode! Come back tomorrow for part two! Jonathan talks to the gang about copyright and trademark laws. They dive into the new guidelines for making Star Trek fan films and if that is fair for fans.
Welcome to a great episode all about Giles! Written by Rob Des Hotel and Dean Batali. If you haven't seen it yet be sure to check it out here.
Because we will spoil the hell out of it. Well I guess that is the point of a review isn't it? The episode starts off with a worried looking man arriving late at night to look for Giles, the janitor sends him to the library but a scary looking woman he knows shows up and comes after him. He makes it to the outside door of the library but its locked and Giles can't hear him banging thanks to Buffy's loud music. It's a bit funny because Giles complains about the music calling it nothing but noise. In this episode we learn about his past. He was a rebel son. Hard core rock and roll type dude. It's cool to see how much he has grown up. Outside the demon lady kills the man and turns to what looks like water before seeping into the man. The next morning Giles has a nightmare about his past. When he gets to school and runs into the gang you can see he is bugged about something. He tells Buffy they have to go and check out a blood transfer unit, make sure no vamps steal it. Jenny comes up and we learn that Willow is helping her teach a weekend class to help students who are behind. Xander quickly mocks them before learning he is apart of the class. Giles walks Jenny to class where she pretends to have ruined his book. He freaks out. I don't blame him, if it were my comics I would too. Don't fuck with a man's books! Jenny invites Giles to come over and stay in with her. The man is going to get some! Good on him! Jenny is hot! His good mood is quickly ruined as he makes it to the library where he sees a detective and a few uniform cops. Before he can find out what happened Cordy barges in and starts complaining. Giles yells at her and demands she leaves. I love Cordy so much. She is too funny. Giles identifies the man as an old friend and lies about the tattoo on the guys back. After all he has the same one. That night he doesn't show up and Buffy is alone dealing with the vamps stealing the blood. At least until Angel shows up and jumps into the fight. Together they make short work of the blood suckers, or at least most of them, a few make off in the car. Buffy asks him to make sure the hospital gets the rest of the blood, giving him a look like don't drink any! It's a cute funny moment between the two. She heads to Giles's house and he more or less blows her off. Once she leaves we find out what he is busy doing. He is calling up all his old friends and finding out one by one that they are all dead. The only two people from their group left alive is himself and Ethan Rayne, you all remember him from the Halloween episode. It seems Giles past is coming back with a bang and old Ethan is involved somehow. The dead guy wakes up in the morgue. It doesn't take long for him to kill a doctor and get out of there, off to find the librarian. Buffy goes to talk to Jenny about Giles and Xander makes some jokes about hating Cordy, making what happens in the next few episodes all the more what the hell!!!! Am I the only one who finds the weekend class weird? It is Jenny, Willow helping her and Cordy and Xander needing help. So this whole class is about Cordy and Xander? No one else finds that weird? Anyways, Cordy tells them all about how she saw the police talking to Giles about a murder. Buffy runs to the library to give him a call and comes across none other than Ethan Rayne himself! He tries to knock her out with a bookcase but she dives out of the way and captures him. He doesn't put up much of a fight. Buffy finds out that Ethan and Giles are old friends. He tells her a bit about the past and she calls Giles for more information but is interrupted by the dead guy attacking. Ethan knows him as well, which all makes sense. Whatever shit that Giles got into back when he was Reaper is coming back and hurting all of their lives thanks to Giles. Who starts manhandling Ethan, the badass that Giles use to be and will be again starts to show up for the first time. This is when Giles because a character I love! The dead guy breaks out, knocks out Jenny and gets his ass beat by Buffy. He breaks into water and Ethan runs off. The water touches Jenny just before Giles wakes her up and Cordy blames the whole thing on Saturday school. Can you blame her? Weekend school is evil and should not exist ever! Poor Jenny is possessed and Giles has no idea. Buffy demands answers from Giles who doesn't want her help, he tells her to mind her own business and he storms off, taking Jenny with him. Leaving Buffy to lead the others to find information. She gives everyone a job but for Cordy who then asks for help until she is forced to work with Xander. It's almost as if the two don't like each other. I can't wait for the next episode. Willow finds out that the demon takes control of people who are unconscious and make them feel high. No lie, I dated a girl who swore she use to do that. Let a demon control her body so she could get high. People are weird! Oh and we learn that the demon can also take over the dead. That's important for later. Buffy and Xander figure out that the demon is now in Jenny, who pulls out the phone cords at Giles's place. Oh how this show is dated, remember home phones? I miss those days haha. Jenny wants to mess around with Giles who tries to turn her down because he doesn't want to take advantage of her. She starts talking shit to him. She then starts to manhandle him. Kicking his ass. Giles isn't strong enough to fight this demon, not while she is in Jenny's body. Lucky for him Buffy shows up, kicking in the door and stopping her. Jenny dives out the window all but telling them that she is going after Ethan. Xander and Willow uncover pictures of Giles hardcore past while he tells Buffy about it himself. He tells her all about how one of his friends died while letting this demon inside. It is what made him stop messing around the demon. Buffy won't let him go with him. He is worried that the only way to kill it is to also kill Jenny. Buffy heads to the Halloween costume shop to find Ethan who is there waiting for her. She offers help and instead he knocks her out. She wakes up tied to a table. His idea is to remove his tattoo and give her one of her own. Cordy and Xander get ready to fight when Willow steps up and puts them both in place. She is a G yo! They both back down quick fast and in a hurry. As a joke Xander comes up with the solution. He suggests another dead body and it helps Willow figure everything out. She really is smart. As Ethan removes his tattoo Giles gets a vision of Buffy now having a tattoo. It seems these tattoos connect them all. Ethan wants to run out but Jenny demon gets there first. She starts towards Ethan but then tosses him aside as she goes after Buffy. It would seem his idea works. Jenny is making short work of Buffy when Giles shows up and offers himself in trade. She is about to kill Giles when Angel storms in and starts manhandling Jenny. The demon jumps from Jenny to Angel. We see them fighting for control but in the end Angel wins and the demon dies. Knocking Angel to the floor. It seems the vampire demon was stronger. It's almost a victory, but Ethan is gone and Giles and Jenny have a rocky road to recover in their relationship. Oh and Buffy now has to get a tattoo removed. That sounds expensive and painful. The demands of being the slayer. As the episode come to an end you can't help but feel bad for Giles. He never wanted anything bad to happen to Jenny. He isn't the same man he was back then but it doesn't really matter does it? Everything you do always comes back to bite you in the ass. One way or another. Welcome to the next episode of Sliders written by Steve Brown and Jon Povill. The episode starts off in what looks to be an old England type setting where Wade is in love with a man, their families don't want them to be together. Real Romeo and Juliet. Too good to be true, it isn't long before her alarm goes off and it turns out she is reading. . . you guessed it Romeo and Juliet.
The slayers walk out to find an empty place to slide out, Wade is distracted and Arturo is complaining. Things are normal for the sliders. Once on the new world Wade spots the man from her dream on a motorcycle waiting for her, he even knows her name. What the hell is going on? He tells her that he was her lover in a past life and will meet them at the hotel. He even knows what hotel they stay at. A mystery man hires someone to hit Wade but Remy pushes her out of the way. What could be the reason behind it. The doctor can tell what is wrong with his foot without even taking off his shoe and sock. She doesn't even know what a X-Ray is. She is a 5th degree psychic. Another world where people have powers. It seems that this world has trained psychics to do medicine and arrest people before they break the law. Remy and Arturo are arrested for killing Wade. What the hell? It turns out the Prime Oracle is the one who hired Wade killed and also blamed Remy and Arturo. They are both let go from jail and told that they are being watched. If Wade dies they will be arrested. What the hell kind of system is this? It turns out that the man in Wade's dream is up for the job of Prime Oracle. He is picked for the job and goes out on a date with Wade. Over conversation he learns that Wade didn't have the whole dream and that the Prime Oracle just died. He is the new Prime Oracle. Quinn and Arturo talk about Wade and what they think she will do. Now aren't Wade and Quinn dating? Or at least kind of dating? If I was Quinn I would be very unhappy about Wade being out on that date. Wade shows up at the bar while the guys are still talking. She tells them that the guy, who just got promoted to Prime Oracle, has asked Wade to marry him. Things have gotten intense fast. How could she say no to one of the most powerful people on this world? That might not go well. Wade goes back into the dream and learns that his father has found out about their relationship and Richard, his name in the past, has asked her to meet him at the bridge. However she doesn't make it there because he calls and wakes her up. Remy is not happy when he hears that she in engaged. Quinn demands that she tell him no but Wade says she wants to talk to him in person. She says she will still say no but wants to do it face to face. It is clear that Quinn is Jealous. Can you blame him? Wade learns that the old Prime Oracle told him that she would help him to become great. She is having a hard time accepting it. Quinn keeps trying to talk her out of marrying this guy but he keeps pushing her towards him. Remy tries to tell Quinn that he needs to back off and let Wade decide for herself. He will miss her too but it isn't for them to decide what she should do. The Prime Oracle, new one not old, made a room for Wade set up like her childhood room. At first she loves it but when she figures out that he found it by going into her mind she gets mad. Calls it akin to rape and wants to go back to the hotel. He won't let her go. He says if she leaves he will never see her again. She agrees to stay for one night and they can talk in the morning. The romance of it all is gone. The Sliders wait outside the Prime Oracle's house for Wade. it takes her awhile but they finally spot her heading towards them. They toss her a rope and she climbs down to them. As she is still climbing down police show up, surrounding them with the Prime Oracle. He tells her to say goodbye to her friends because she will never see them again. This shit has gotten dark! She finally finished the dream. It turns out his father had Wade's past life killed and he swore to get more power and stop him. That leads us to who he is today. She tells him that if he doesn't let her go she will never forgive him. He tells her that he can't see the future with her. She is his blind spot and his whole life depends on what happens with her. They have 6 hours till the slide and no way to get Wade out. At least until their new friend remembers that her collage roommate is the President's speech writer. Arturo makes Quinn stay behind in case Wade calls while the rest of them go off to save Wade. No one will help Wade because whatever the Prime Oracle says goes. That is the law of the land. Wade gets a bottle of pills with what looks to be a note inside. She takes the pills and calls Quinn telling him that the Prime Oracle won't let her go. She takes a lot of pills and OD's herself while on the phone with Quinn. He rushes to over, trying to get the security to help her. Quinn carries her out while the Prime Oracle feels bad for himself. The Prime Oracle says he doesn't want the job anymore. He isn't worthy. The ambulance pulls up near the park where the others are waiting for them. It turns out the others planned this. Wade is really alive and they kept Quinn in the dark so that the Prime Oracle couldn't find out. As they bring Wade back the Prime Oracle senses that she is alive and comes after her. It's all down to the wire, like it always is. That's what makes Sliders so great! It keeps you on the edge of your seats. The Prime Oracle lets Wade go and tells her sorry. We learn that the old Prime Oracle set all this up to save the both of them. It is a happy ending. Got to love this show, I know I do! |
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