Oh my God! I almost forgot I was doing these reviews. It's been almost a year now. Boy does life fly by when you aren't watching. Did you guys miss me? did you even notice I was gone? Hello, is this thing on? Okay, so where did we leave off.
Oh shit. . . right in the middle of one of the best two-parters in Television history. The episode where we learn all about the second slayer and how this came to be. Beautifully written by the one and only Marti Noxon, and directed by David Semel, this episode changes everything in the world of our beloved slayer and the Scooby gang. If you haven't already seen it here is a link to watch it and it's also on Netflix for the next few days. SMH, boo Netflix, bad call! So enough chit chat, let's get to the review. If you recall last time, we left off with the two slayers in a stand off in Angel's apartment as we learn that this new girl, Kendra was also a vampire slayer. Say what! And that is right where we pick up. The two slayers facing each other arguing over who is the real slayer. After a tense few moments where Kendra tells Buffy information she already knows, such as when the slayer dies anther will be called, the two agree to call a truce and go and talk to Buffy's Watcher, who we all know to be the one and only Giles. On a side note, outside of this review, the Buffy fan pages on Facebook are insane. And I mean insane, someone admitted to not liking Joyce and it's like okay, I'm right there with you and people went crazy. Not only defending what might be the worst mother in the history of the world but also bashing Giles and Oz. Uh what? Who doesn't love Giles and Oz? What happened in your childhood that makes you hate either one of them? There is just no pleasing some people I swear! Anyways, back to the episode at hand. The vamp with the soul, Mr. Angel himself, is still locked up in the cage at Willies. The sun is moving towards him at an alarming rate. The credits save him, for now! Back at the library Giles tries to make sense of how Kendra could also be a slayer. Once Willow shows up Kendra starts calling everything into question. A slayer should work alone, and yet Buffy has friends. While explaining it to Willow Giles figures out that Buffy drowning is what caused Kendra to be summoned. Kendra calls Angel Angelus, something that just fills me with joy. It's around this time that the gang learn what Kendra did to Angel. Buffy is beyond pissed and can you blame her? This girl just comes in, steals her destiny and tries to kill her boyfriend. That's a no no. Lucky for Angel Willie drags him out of the cage and drops him in the sewer before the sun can get him. Well maybe not to lucky. He sold him to Spike. Could this be the end of the ensouled vampire? Back at the Buffy house Cordy is trying to buy makeup from a weird guy who turns out to be out of bugs. Xander comes in and tries to remove him from the house before getting wise and running. The two of them dart into the basement as the bug man tries to come into the room from beneath the door. Kendra and Buffy question Willie but he lies through his teeth. We start to see just how different these two slayers are. Spike brings Angel to Dru and tells her that one the ritual is completed she will be back to normal. Dru smiles and asks if she can play. Now if you know the back story between these two you know that nothing good can come from this. From everything we know so far it would seem that the ritual could be deadly for Angel. The watchers agree that Kendra should stay and help out Buffy till everything is taken care of, something that doesn't sit well with Buffy. Part of her feels like she isn't good enough, or at least that she doesn't want this life. She toys with the idea of giving the slayer gig over to Kendra while she tries to live a normal life. It's a nice dream that you have to imagine that she thinks about a lot. Could you blame her? Now here comes one of my favorite moments of the Buffyverse, the start of Xander and Cordy. I love these two together. I mean I understand why they didn't work out but they were still great for each other and you can't help but feel like they truly care for one another. It also always makes me laugh how their relationship, at least in the start was always sprung on by hate. The two share their first kiss and get freaked out and dart out of there as fast as they could. The bug man drops down on Cordy and Xander has to hose her off before they take off in her car. Now I'm not big on bugs but bugs that are also a demon, that would just be scary. And while we are on couples that you can't help but love, Willow and Oz have a great little moment where we start to see how much they fit together. They are both just the right kind of odd. To bad their moment is broken up by a cop trying to kill Buffy and shooting Oz in the arm. The cop takes Jonathan, you know the co-creator of Empire, hostage and Kendra has to save the day. Xander meets Kendra and tries to hit on her. She gets so flustered, it's cute. Giles figures out that the ritual requires that Angel's life be given in order to save Dru. Kendra doesn't like the idea of trying to save Angel but she agrees to help. Buffy is in full on slayer mode now that she knows Angel is danger. A woman in love is nothing to mess with. Can we all take a moment to just be in awe of how amazing it is every time Dru talks? The things she says and the way she says it is just the greatest writing that has ever been put to page. I always love to hear how different the two slayers are. Kendra's parents gave her up to be trained and Kendra believes that Buffy is weak because of her emotions, but Buffy out smarts her and shows her that not only is she not as in control as she thinks but that anger gives her strength. The slayers make Willie talk and tell them where Angel is as Angel tries to get Spike to kill him. It almost works but Dru stops him. Kendra believes that Angel should die and that Buffy is a fool for trying to save him. She is far too by the book. Well maybe Kendra has a point. No sooner does Willie get Buffy alone, than he delivers her to vampires to keep her busy. Meanwhile Spike starts the ritual. Draining Angel's life and giving it to Dru. It takes a while to complete. Willie brings Buffy into the church and Spike is pissed but he can't help but be cocky. All hope seems lost until Kendra breaks in and turns the tide against Spike. Giles and the rest of the Scooby's are right behind her. Cordy and Xander trap the bug man in pant and kill him. Aw you have to love sweet revenge. Buffy stops the ritual which is the only thing that distracts Spike long enough to allow Willie the chance to escape. Which is good because I've always liked him. A fire breaks out at the church and Spike cuts Dru down and tries to run but Buffy stops, knocking him into the wall. It caves in on him as Buffy turns her attention to Angel and Kendra rushes over to help them all escape. It would seem that the slayers work well together. The Scoobies leave Spike and Dru to the fire as they pile out. Willow checks in on Oz and he teachers her about the monkey and his pants. He uses this moment to slip in a complement. They are far too cute together. Xander forces Cordy to talk to him about what happened. At first she doesn't want to but she agrees. They try to figure out what it all means, the conversation doesn't last long before they are once more locking lips. As Buffy says goodbye to Kendra, Kendra drops some knowledge on her. Being the slayer isn't a job, it's who she is. She should embrace it and not fight against it. A lesson that Buffy needed to hear. Now on to the end. Dru is back to full strength and carries an injured Spike out of the ruins. Now from what I have heard, Spike was supposed to die right then and there. But the fans liked him so much Joss decided to keep him around. The best call he ever made if you ask me. After all, who doesn't love Spike? I know I do.
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