Well, welcome back to yet another film written by David S. Goyer, the hateful man himself. This time joined in the writing department by Chris Terrio and once more directed by Zack Snyder who shoots an amazing looking movie. So for the first time in live action we have the man of steel meet the dark knight, it is the moment we have been waiting for our whole lives.
The film starts of with a voice over from the one and only Ben Affleck who I love, as we witness the origin story of the bat. Something that I loved, even if they have done it in many other movies, I just don't ever seem to mind it. Plus it gave us a chance to see John Winchester on the big screen, or well, you might know him as Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He is such an amazing actor! If you want to see for yourself you can buy it here. Once the back story is out of the way we jump forward in time to the end of Man of Steel where we find Bruce driving through town trying to get to his building to help him employees as the Kryptonians battle it out like Gods above the city. It's a heart pounding emotional scene that really sets up Batman's hatred of Superman. This emotional scene has the added button of a little girl crying as she tells Bruce that her parents are dead, hitting home with a man who lost his own at almost the same age. This is the reason the origin story in this film is so important. From here we jump forward 18 months. Where we witness the uncovering of Kryptonite. This doesn't look good for our man in red. So far into the film I'm loving it, but who wants a film that makes fans happy the whole time? So we jump right over to the Jimmy Olsen that is far too cool to be the Jimmy Olsen we all know and love. Now to be fair, the Jimmy Olsen on Supergirl is more suave, not to mention taller than Superman but it works, because he is still the Jimmy Olsen we grew up on. Not this Jimmy, no this Jimmy is a CIA agent. Like what the fuck? And then they kill him! Right then and there. Oh my head hurts, but lets move on. The CIA wants to leave Lois Lane to her captures, while a drone is coming to take them all out. So the CIA used Lois and is then going to kill her, wow. Great CIA agents. Just as the missile heads towards Lois, it is stopped by Superman who comes to her rescue. Somethings never change no matter what style the movie. Clark loves Lois. A hearing is held in the US to talk about Superman and how his actions affect people. They hold him accountable for the loss of lives. For some reason in this universe Gotham and Metropolis are across the bay from each other. Oh, the bats and supes are oh so close. A couple of cops who are watching a football game between Gotham and Metropolis are called into duty. They uncover people locked in cages, calling out for help and find the bad guys already defeated with the mark of the bat branded into their skin. Why the hell is Batman marking the people he catches? That's insane, and the cops think so too. They shoot at him, and they need to spend more time in the gun range. Lois is trying to deal with what happened when Clark comes home. He tries to act like what everyone is saying about him but clearly she does. This is a very different way to look at Superman and I don't mind it. I like him being the shining light, but it's nice to see a different way to look at it every once in a while. Bruce comes back to the batcave and finds Alfred working. As they go over everything we see the start of his drinking problem as well as his fear of Superman. It's clear that he feels the man of steel is threat. Speaking of threats, up next we meet not Lex Luthor, but Lex Jr. His son. What more could we ask for in a Superman movie than the son of his worst enemy. Because lex Luthor would just be just too easy. Well Lex Jr. makes a deal to help the government in exchange for access to the crashed Kryptonian ship. Never a good idea to give Luthor's access to dangerous weapons. Just saying. He also got himself access to Zod's body. I can't believe the government agreed to this, oh wait, yeah I can. We start to really see how people view Superman. Some look at him as the greatest hero mankind has ever had while others see him as a monster come down to Earth to play God and ruin lives. A former employee of Bruce Wayne's writes False God on a giant Superman statue, showing how tired of him some people are. While Clark is in Gotham we learn that Superman isn't the only one that is dividing the masses. Batman has become more aggressive since Man OF Steel and while some people are loving it, others are becoming terrified. Clark views the Batman as a villain and wants to report on him. Welcome to the basic set up of every comic book movie ever, each hero thinks the other is a bad guy and wants to stop them. Lex Jr. runs into an issue with his plan, but he isn't one to take things lightly. The two biggest rules when dealing with Luthors, never trust them and never cross them. Right off the bat people in this film have broken both of those rules. So Lex hosts a party and gives us not only the first meeting of Superman and Batman, well kind of, it's Bruce and Clark but close enough but also the first meeting of Batman and Wonder Woman. The DC trinity is here at last ladies and gentlemen. While we are talking about the party, I just got to point out how crazy Lex Jr. is. Clark starts asking Bruce about the bat and making him out to be a bad guy. Bruce politely sets him straight by pointing out that Superman is no better. Clark gets just as defensive and as the tension mounts Lex Jr. shows up and makes everything so much worse. As he is inclined to. So the Senate wants to put controls on Superman, decide for him who he can save and when. Because what we need is the government being in charge of more stuff, because lets be honest, when have they ever managed to do something, anything right? Never. Clark gets in trouble for not reporting on football, I mean, is football all that important? Maybe it's just me because I'm not really into sports. Bruce Wayne tracks down Wonder Woman, I mean he is the worlds greatest detective is he not? The Justice League is starting to come together, even if it is just a little at a time. You have to love the power play between these two. She is one of the only people on Earth that can put Bats in his place. While working, Bruce falls asleep and we enter into what could be the future, where a giant omega sign is carved into the sand. Any DC fan knows what that means, and the only thing more exciting than that is a Batman in a trench coat with a gun. I don't know why, but it is just so damn cool! He is set up and held at gun point by people wearing the superman logo as if it was a nazi badge. As the fight goes on we see Parademons flying down and entering the fight moments before Batman gets knocked out cold. He is chained up as Superman shows up, clearly not happy to see him. He starts killing everyone and unmasks Batman. He then kills Batman just as Bruce wakes up and sees the Flash warning him about Lois. He is clearly coming from the future but once it stops Bruce seems to wake up. Was it real or not? Bruce finds out what Lex Jr. is up to and goes after the shipment as Batman, a little over an hour in and we finally get some action. Action from a very angry and upset Batman who doesn't seem to give two shits about people's lives. He enters into what is more or less a gun fight car chase that would feel right at home in a fast and furious movie, which is not a slam as I love those movies. As I said before, Zack Snyder can shoot a movie! Throughout the car chase the batmobile kicks a lot of ass until it's stopped by Superman, who is not playing around. Finally the two titans meet in costume. Superman tells Batman to stop playing hero, that the bat is dead. Batman asks him if he bleeds and tells him he will as he flies off. The war has started. The battle that we have been waiting for, that the movie promised us, starts. And I for one, could not be more excited. Superman is called forth to come and defend his actions to the Senate and he asks his mom for advice on if he should go or not. She talks him into it. Once again they get his parents wrong. Martha tells him that he doesn't owe the world a thing. That he can just walk away from it all. It just rings so untrue. Lois learns that Lex Jr. hired people to make Superman look bad. Make him look guilty. At the Senate hearing the former Wayne employee, who tagged the statue and was bailed out by Lex Jr. shows up at the hearing. Lex Jr. makes a point of being seen at the hearing. It is really important that he is seen there and we also learn that the former employee has been returning Bruce's checks, making it seen like he was left out to die. Superman shows up at the hearing, he doesn't have long before shit hits the fans. The Senator in charge is talking, about to spill the beans on Lex Jr. when she notices that a jar is on her desk, an inside joke with Lex Jr. and that his chair is empty. She knows something bad is about to happen and sure enough, the whole building blows up. The former employee was a bomb. Only Superman lived, making him look even worse in the eyes of the people. It's the last straw for Bruce who wants to stop Superman now more than ever. Superman helps get people out of the ruins and no one seems to notice that Lex Jr. is nowhere to be seen, because why would no one notice that? Speaking of good old Lex Jr. he makes it back to his building and notices that it looks like it was a warzone. It seems that Batman has been through there and stolen the Kryptonite. Shit is about to get real. Superman starts to doubt himself, and maybe he should. He is so self-important that he doesn't think about the harm he does, or that other people could be just as helpful as he is. It's all about him and what he thinks is right or wrong. Lex Jr. starts to mess with the Kryptonian ship and you can already tell that it is going to be trouble for everyone. The only thing that gives us hope is Bruce Wayne's killer work out. I mean is that shit even possible? Who could do that? No one human. After making the rest of us feel like shit, Bruce goes back to Lex Jr.'s files and learns about Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. He now knows that Superman isn't the only super being on Earth. Lex Jr. puts Zod's body into the ship and starts running experiments on it. Mixing in his own blood, because why not? He turns Zod into something else, something new. While this is going on people all over the world start blaming Superman for the bombing and Clark is nowhere to be found. Lex Jr. has gone above and beyond to turn everyone against the man of steel. Can anyone tell me why the cops let Lois walk around in the former employee's house without wearing any gloves? Does that seem right to you? Anyways, Lois figures out that the man didn't know he was going to die, that even he was set up. Alfred tries to talk Bruce out of going after Superman but it doesn't work. Bruce has a mission and won't be talked out of it. No matter what. While Superman is off feeling sorry for himself his mother is kidnapped and Batman sets his trap for the Man of Steel. Not long after the Bats signal goes up, Lois is kidnapped and brought to Lex Jr. He really does hold all the cards. Lois doesn't care, she calls him out, telling him that she knows the truth about him and can even prove it. Lex Jr. pushes her off his tower to pull Superman out of hiding. It works, he rushes in and saves her. The man has an ear out for his lady. Superman goes after Lex Jr. who tells him pointblank that he knows who he is. That isn't enough to get Superman to back off but Lex Jr. pulls out his ace in the hole, he has his mother. Lex Jr. gives him a chance to save her, he has to kill the bat. Superman agrees and warns Lois that he needs to go and ask the Bat for help. The Kryptonian ship starts freaking out, warning the world of what is to come. Bruce emails Wonder Woman and tells her that he knows her secret. He then does one better and lets her know about the others. She witnesses the origin of Cyborg, it was really cool. Can you believe we live in a world where we get a live action Cyborg origin? The times, they are achanging. Superman finds the Bat waiting and calls him Bruce, secrets out. Batman wastes no time and comes at Superman who swats him away. The fight is starting, it's just a bit one-sided. Batman doing all the attacking and also being the only one getting hurt. I mean he is Superman after all. It doesn't take long for Superman to fight back as the battle really kicks up into gear. It's a once in a lifetime fight. The fight that every comic book fan came out to see and it was glorious. Batman turning the tables on Superman, using his brain and skills to over come the unbeatable god like Superman. It really was badass, the whole five seconds it lasted until the single worst scene in the history of Cinema happened and Superman said the word Martha. Stopping Batman from killing him with just one word. Now, I get what they were going for. I know what it was supposed to show, how it was the moment that Bruce Wayne saw the humanity in Superman, saw him as a person and not just some monster who has come here to end all of mankind. Saw that even he, has something in common with this mythical creature and they are more alike than he could ever have imagined. But, all that being said, it just doesn't come across onscreen. My boy Ben didn't make me feel it, didn't make a lot of people feel it. Crazy thing is, I don't blame him, because you can bet your ass that if this was a Ben Affleck directed film, you would have felt it. That man can direct like no one else. As the fight comes to a close Lois shows up and all is well in the world. They are all friends now. No more fighting between these two titans. Nope, so lets put all of the fun behind us and move onto the rest of the movie. Batman promises Superman that he will save his mother's life while Superman stops whatever is happening at the ship. The two titans take off as Lois watches on. Batman is true to his word, hunting down Martha and saving her in what has to be one of the coolest action scenes of any movie. Almost making up for the Martha scene, almost. It's a scene almost out of the game Arkham City. So beyond cool. Lex Jr. creates Doomsday with Zod's body and his blood. Even Superman looks scared. Here at last, the big fight. Superman and Doomsday waste no time in going at each other. It doesn't take long for it to become clear this dude is way more powerful that supes. It isn't even a fair fight. Batman shows up just as a missile hits Superman and Doomsday, it looks like they are finished. We know better. Doomsday evolves after the missile hits. He is stronger than ever. Superman floats in space, looking all kinds of dead as the American military figures out that attacking Doomsday just makes him stronger. His laservision hits Batman's ship head on. If Superman couldn't take on Doomsday how could Batman? But leave it to Bruce to believe in himself. He turns back and heads for the spear that he almost used to kill Superman. In space Superman wakes up, recovering just in time to save Bruce who is shot out of the sky. Or so we think, only it isn't Superman who saves him. It is Wonder Woman. Proving just how badass she is. The trinity stands together to battle Doomsday as Lois goes looking for the spear. She almost dies looking for it but is saved by Superman, once again and he goes after, knowing full well that finding it will kill him, but he just doesn't care. Lois has to fish him and the spear out of the water, she tosses it away, helping Superman recover. Wonder Woman is taking Doomsday on, on her own and loving every moment of it. She is the very definition of a warrior. Superman tells Lois he loves her in a way that screams goodbye. He picks up the spear and flies right into Doomsday as Wonder Woman holds him in place. Superman kills Doomsday with the spear but in his final moments he kills Superman right back. they die together, right out of Death of Superman. I mean, this movie took from The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman. Two of the greatest stories in DC lore told in one movie. It is a really good movie, but with those two as the sorce material, you'd think it would be even better, but oh well. It's still a good movie. You do feel his death as Lois holds his dead body. He died saving the world, saving everyone. Wonder Woman and Batman both seem so shaken by what has just happened. It's a beautifully shot scene, very sad, but very beautiful. It doesn't take long for the military to get into the ship and arrest Lex Jr. shaving off his head. Making him look like the Lex we all know. As the world says goodbye to both Superman and Clark, in very different ways, we see the real birth of the Justice League as Bruce tells Wonder Woman they need to put a team together to battle what is coming. A movie I can't wait to see!
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