Welcome to one of the most important episodes of the Buffy mythos. Written by Joss Whedon, Marti Noxon and Howard Gordon. Why is important? Oh we will get to that! Believe you me. Or you can watch it yourself!
The episode starts off with the gang doing placement tests to see what kind of jobs they will be best suited for out in the real world. Buffy thinks it is all pointless because all she will ever be is the slayer. She can't have a future, it's a sad moment for fans of the slayer. Cordy on the other hand is loving the test, loving all the different futures that a rich pretty girl like her could have. Xander and her trade insults, once more showing just how much they hate each other. And I've always said, there is a thin thin line between love and hate. Spike's help can't translate the book they stole from Giles. Dru tries to cheer Spike up but he can't get the slayer out of his head. We can already see the start of his obsession over her. Dru tells them that they need to find a key in order to translate the book, thus sending them on their mission for the episode. While out patrolling Buffy comes across Spike's men looking for the key. She kills one vamp without a problem but the one looking for the key escaped. Good thing to because he has always made me laugh. His name is Dalton. Buffy makes it home to see Angel playing with her stuffed animals. It's kind of cute, in a stalker boyfriend way which isn't that cute but still it's ok because they love each other. Buffy and Angel start talking about how she has no future and Angel is hurt by it all. He feels like he is part of the reason that she can't have a normal life. She tells him that he is the one part of her life that she is sure about. One part of her life that she loves. Angel tells Buffy that he wants to take her to a closed off ice skating rink, as a way to help her feel more normal. It is very romantic. Cordy gets motivational speaker as a career, would anyone go to Cordy for advice? Maybe later years Cordy but not this Cordy. Xander gets crossing guard and Buffy gets law enforcement, kind of makes sense seeing as she is the slayer and that is more or less protecting people. Way more so than the police. For some reason Willow didn't even make the list. Buffy reports to Giles that one of the vampires got away and he seems more worried than normal about it. Buffy points out that she is the only slayer and if he wants someone better for the job than she could just die. This my friends is called foreshadowing and is done oh so well! Dalton starts to translate the book that Spike can use to figure out a cure for Dru. The whole reason they have come to Sunnydale to begin with. Willow and Xander try to cover with Snyder about where Buffy is while she is out with Giles trying to figure out what the vampires stole. Snyder puts both students in their place before storming off. Some mystery man tells Willow to follow them and leads her to a private room where they tell her that she and one other student are to meet with the head of some software company. That other student is none other than. . . Oz!!!!!!!! They meet at last! Buffy and Giles are fighting while walking around the cemetery about how the slayer life is too much for her. She wants a real life and he suggests a career in law enforcement. Wrong thing to say at that moment. She really did not want to hear that! She shows Giles where the Dalton was looking. It turns out that the book that was stolen was written by the same man who grave was robbed. It could only mean that Spike and co found something to translate the book. Ding Ding Ding!!! Giles got it right in one! One by one the assassins Spike ordered show up. Till we arrive on a plane and some girl beats the living daylights out of a guy cleaning the plan. She gets off the plane. Who is this girl? Why is she important? Oh she changes everything about well everything. The scoobies get together as Giles informs them of what was stolen. Buffy skips out on the research so that she can go and make her date with Angel. She a pretty good skater, much better than me. Whenever I get on ice I spend the first 10 minutes or so falling on my ass. One of the assassins attacks Buffy and starts to choke her but Angel comes just in time to save her. Dru sense that one of their assassins were killed. Spike isn't worried, they only need a little time to translate everything. Angel sees the ring on the assassin and freaks out. He orders Buffy home and tells her that he doesn't want her to see him while he is in vamp face. She kisses him and tells him that she didn't even notice. Just than the mystery girl who is important shows up to watch. Kind of creepy right? Buffy shows Giles the ring and he starts to give her the low down on the Order of Taraka, the assassins that are after her. Giles is even more freaked out than Angel. Even snaps at Xander when he tries to joke. He orders Buffy to go and hide till this is over. It gets under her skin. He tells her that they will just keep coming until the job is done. They each work alone. We see the sellsman from earlier who killed that lady across the street from Buffy's house. Turns out he is made of worms. How is that for gross? At school Buffy is on high alert, freaked out by everyone and everything. Even throws Oz against the wall and demands that he tries it. He is confused but just shakes it off and goes about his way. Nothing gets under Oz's skin because he is well Oz. That night Buffy makes it home but doesn't go inside. She feels down and out and can't handle it. Joyce is out of town and no one is answering. Telling Xander and the others that she isn't home. They start to freak out trying to figure out where she could be. Why not just think for a second on where a 16 year old girl would go when she is scared. Her boyfriends house. She gets there and lets herself in but Angel isn't home. She decides to take a nap. Where is Angel? He is over at Willy's bar asking him for information. I love this character. He is so funny and such a weasel. With a name like Willy it just fits. Angel starts beating him for information and demands to know if Spike ordered the hit. This is a nice little taste of what the show Angel will be. The mystery girl saves Willy and starts kicking Angel's ass, locking him in the back room, with a nice window view of the sun, only hours away. The mystery girl tells Angel she is going after Buffy. Giles sends Xander back to Buffy's house, telling him to ask Cordy for a ride. He is worried for Buffy. Meanwhile Willow is asleep in the library dreaming of tadpoles. What a weird weird girl. Don't we all just love her? Giles figures out what Spike is after, just as Dalton gives Spike the cure. Things are going to hell for our gang. Now this part I have issue with. Xander and Cordy are breaking into Buffy's house in the daylight as Angel is locked in a room with the sun about to come up. How does that work? It isn't even early morning, it is clearly day. Cordy tells Xander he is lame and Buffy is the superhero and he points out at least he cares which is more than Cordy could say. He heads up stairs to look for clues while Cordy let's the worm demon inside because he offers her make up supplies. Stupid Cordy. The sun starts to come up as Angel is still locked in the cage and the mystery girl wakes Buffy up as she almost kills her. The two girls fight each other almost to a stand off, bringing the episode to an end as we learn who the mystery girl is. Kendra the Vampire Slayer!!! Told you everything changes in this episode! Come back tomorrow for part two!
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